

  MARIA DALAMAGKA MD, MSc, PhD, consultant anesthesiologist at General Hospital of Larisa Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH)     General Hospital of Larisa, Greece Queen Mary University of London Sohag University, Egypt UKSH ( Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein) Author Academy AIREC PAIN Treatment Dalamagka, Maria DOI: 10.13140/RG. 2.2.23383.38565 1. Protocol of Pain. 2. Neuropathic Pain. 3. Acupuncture for Depression and Psychological Disorders. 4. Pain Management. 5. Pain. 6. Neuropathic pain webinar on Plastic surgery. 7. Pain. Assessment in Geriatric Patients. 8. Physiology of Pain. 9. In the Past the Answer to Chronic Pain was "All in your Mind". 10. Acupuncture. 11. Systematic Review: Acupuncture in Chronic Pain, Low Back Pain and Migraine. 12. Multifactorial experience of Pain. 13. Stress. 14. Pain and Acupuncture. 15. Complex Regional Pain Syndrome - C...

Updates and New Trends in Medicine

  PUBLICHEALTHMEET2021. INTERNATIONAL MEET ON PUBLIC HEALTH AND HEALTHCARE MANAGEMENT. NOVEMBER 04-05, 2021. Page- 43. Virtual Presentations. ALBEDO MEETINGS Abstract Maria Dalamagka Update medicine means progress and experimentation. Without updates and new trends in medicine, there would be no visible progress. That provides us the opportunity to attempt something new, which has the potential of shifting cultural current to form an underlying intuition. Updates can be utilized to reach specific demographics more effectively and gives the opportunity to define the current era we are living in. Healthcare is one of the essential, dynamic industries. The constant demand for innovation, improvement in its outcome, quality, accessibility, and affordability are making it one of those industries, that is full of new opportunities and innovations. There has ...

Chronic Pain

 Journal of Pain Management & Medicine Pain Manage Med 2015, 1:1 In the Past the Answer to Chronic Pain was "All in your Mind" Maria Dalamagka Chronic Pain A useful definition from Margo McCaffrey is the following: “pain is the description of the individual who is experiencing it and exist when he says so”.  The International Association for the Study of Pain defines it as "an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience, combined with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage. The pain is transmitted through the body to the nervous system,  where the nerve endings detect damage in a body part. The nerves transmit the warning through specific neural pathways in the brain, where the signals are interpreted as pain. Today specific pain can understand how the sensation of pain is  generated: the way in which the nervous system, including the spinal cord, interacts with the brain, so as to create the sensation of pain. Knowle...

Acupuncture and Related Therapies for Pain Control

  Acupuncture and Related Therapies for Pain Control Maria Dalamagka Chapter 1 Review: International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2024, 12(01), 2372–2375. Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2024.12.1.1046 DOI url: Corpus ID: 270456738 Integrating Traditional Medicine into a modern health care system Maria I. Dalamagka Abstract Traditional Medicine collectively referred to as complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) when commonly used outside their traditional context, alongside other medical systems, including Western biomedicine.The World Health Organization officially promoted traditional medicine in developing countries in 1978, there have been increasing interests among developing countries in integrating traditional medicine into a national health care system. Integrating traditional medicine into a modern health care system, moreover, can benefit industrial...

Anesthesia in the Elderly and Emergency Anesthesia

Anesthesia in the Elderly and Emergency Anesthesia Maria  I. Dalamagka Chapter 1 Corpus ID: 249009726 GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2022, 19(02), 158–159. Article DOI: 10.30574/gscbps.2022.19.2.0188  DOI url: Speaker Presentation: 4th Globar Webinar on public health Aug 05-06, 2022.  P ublic Health and Health Care Management. Webinar  September 07-09,  2023 10.5281/zenodo.6627597  General anesthesia in Geriatric patients in combination with Epidural anesthesia in the right colectomy  Maria I Dalamagka  Abstract  Aging involves a progres...